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The oviedo/asturies-er dataset
External Dataset
External Data Source
Crawdad (Dartmouth)
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

sensors, wireless


This dataset contains mobility and connectivity traces extracted from GPS traces collected from the regional Fire Department of Asturias, Spain.

This dataset contains mobility and connectivity traces extracted from GPS traces collected from the regional Fire Department of Asturias, Spain. The original data source is one year of GPS traces extracted from a Geographical Information System (GIS). The traces were generated by GPS devices embedded mainly in cars and trucks, but also in a helicopter and a few personal radios. A total of 229 devices reported 19,462,339 locations. A new location is reported with an interval of approximately 30 seconds when the GPS device detects movement. To convert GPS traces into ONE connectivity traces, we have assumed circular communication ranges of 10, 50 and 200 meters. There is a connection between nodes that are closer than the given range. For simplicity, we assume that the position of a device is always the last position reported. Our analysis shows several important findings for the design of network protocols from the physical to the application layer. The networks examined are heterogeneous in the contact duration and the number of nodes contacted (degree centrality). In addition, they are sparse and partitioned, but delay- tolerant routes connecting these partitions exist. Finally, there are patterns in the connection between nodes that can ease the discovery of these routes and the deployment of delay-tolerant services. ;

Additional Details

dataset, the oviedo/asturies-er dataset, 1010, asturies, oviedo, er, source, external, inferlink corporation, external data source, corporation, inferlink, traces, gps, connectivity, extracted, mobility, department, spain, fire, asturias, collected, regional, reported, nodes, device, devices, position, delay, routes, tolerant, connection, meters, duration, helicopter, 339, layer, gis, network, design, radios, total, examined, physical, location, locations, 229, discovery, cwi, application, 462, closer, services, detects, connecting, original, deployment, cabrero, embedded, movement, networks, circular, personal, degree, patterns, finally, partitions, addition, protocols, communication, trucks, contact, centrality, generated, heterogeneous, convert, analysis, exist, cars, simplicity, partitioned, range, ranges, other, geographical, ease, contacted, nl, assumed, assume, interval, sparse, system, 200, findings