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Heartbleed Vulnerability
External Dataset
External Data Source
Internet-Wide Scan Data Repository
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

unsolicited emails, application layer security, honeypots, network data, address space status data


Regular daily scans of IPv4 and the Alexa Top 1 Million domains on HTTPS and SMTP+StartTLS for the Heartbleed vulnerability.

This dataset is composed of five scan collections: https-full, https-samples, https-alexa, smtp-alexa, and smtp-samples, and PCAPs of the attacks we observed at an Amazon EC2 honeypot. The scan files contain parsed TLS handshakes as well as heartbeat support and heartbleed vulnerability status. All files are in JSON format; an example record can be seen in sample.json. Our scan methodology is described in detail in the study listed above. The banner grab tool we used for all experiments is available at . Full HTTPS scans cover the public IPv4 address space excluding networks that have requested removal from University of Michigan network studies. Samples are composed of 1% scans of the public IPv4 address space (addresses selected using ZMap's randomization algorithm). ;

Additional Details

heartbleed, vulnerability, heartbleed vulnerability, 1092, corporation, external, inferlink, external data source, source, inferlink corporation, https, scans, smtp, ipv4, alexa, daily, top, domains, regular, starttls, scan, samples, files, composed, public, json, space, zmap, pcaps, michigan, hearbleed, methodology, observed, ec2, collections, banner, team, sample, dataset, heartbeat, grab, tls, removal, listed, honeypot, studies, attacks, randomization, excluding, selected, algorithm, requested, zgrab, amazon, tool, github, umuch, parsed, detail, support, network, networks, cover, experiments, handshakes, other, study, status, format