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Zonefile Database
External Dataset
External Data Source
Internet-Wide Scan Data Repository
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

network data


Publicly available Zonefiles parsed into a sqlite3 database.

A sqlite3 database of Zonefiles compiled from publicly available sources, that is updated once per month. Concept: - Take the work accomplished by Hanno Bck, and allow it to be queried in meaningful ways - Allow for the addition of new zonefiles - Make this dataset publicly available - Raise general awareness on the inherit risk of allowing for Zonefile Transfers Current Statistics: - Number of Resource Records: 59,157,877 - Domains scanned thus far: 6,853,165 - Domains which allowed for a Zonefile Transfer: 509,919 - Nameservers which allowed for a Zonefile Transfer: 130,404 ;

Additional Details

database, zonefile, zonefile database, 1096, external, inferlink, corporation, inferlink corporation, external data source, source, publicly, zonefiles, sqlite3, parsed, allowed, domains, transfer, statistics, 130, bck, current, transfers, compiled, 509, hanno, allowing, inherit, risk, org, queried, dataset, 853, nameservers, concept, addition, 877, raise, scanned, awareness, accomplished, 157, meaningful, info, 919, records, sources, other, updated, 404, month, 165, resource, ethicalreporting