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ISP Abuse E-Mail Feed
External Dataset
External Data Source
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

malware, unsolicited emails


Abuse e-mail feed contains a log of our abuse reports and status of the issue reported.

This feed is filterable by e-mail address, IP address, or ASN number. This is the master feed for the Twitter "bad abuse" feed and is pulled from live data.
URLs [ip'> [ip address] [asn'> [asn number] [e-mail'> [e-mail address]
Log Entry Type - Contains the action. This is either, report sent, report opened, report or if the host has replied with a resolved statement.
Log Time - Time action was done
Attacker IP - The IP reported for issues (lookup link forwards to IP lookup page). The "IP" link filters the feed by the IP while the "lookup" provides more detailed information on the IP
Logged E-Mails - These are either a list of e-mail addresses reported to for the attacker IP or the address that responded to a resolved or opened event. Clicking on an e-mail will filter the feed by that e-mail address.
Log Message - The list of issues reported or an action message
Deliverable - Was the e-mail accepted by the host (this can lead the IP space being added to the BABL RBL)
Days Unresolved - The number of days the issue since the issue was reported to the host
Incidents Reported - The number of incidents reported. Some bots use thousands of nodes rather than heavier concentrations from fewer hosts. The damages are the same however.

Additional Details

abuse, feed, mail, isp abuse e-mail feed, 1122, isp, corporation, inferlink corporation, external, external data source, inferlink, source, reported, log, issue, reports, status, webiron, https, lookup, report, action, host, resolved, attacker, incidents, asn, issues, time, message, days, link, list, clicking, event, master, responded, live, nodes, pulled, detailed, filter, lead, filters, babl, statement, thousands, accepted, hosts, bots, filterable, logged, twitter, space, type, deliverable, mails, unresolved, entry, urls, heavier, damages, replied, concentrations, forwards, other, rbl, fields, bad