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FuzzSim: Black-box Fuzzing Simulator
External Tool
External Data Source
InferLink Corporation
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

forensics, penetration testing


This tool evaluates various methods for scheduling the fuzzing of program pairs. The key feature of the system is that comprehensive data on fuzzing all pairs is obtained in advance, so that any scheduling algorithm's performance can be observed without duplication of fuzzing effort.

Black-box mutational fuzzing is an effective, albeit simple, way to find bugs in software. Given a set of fuzzing configurations, which can be thought of as pairs of programs and seeds, FuzzSim evaluates various methods for scheduling the fuzzing of these pairs. The key feature of the system is that comprehensive data on fuzzing all pairs is obtained in advance, so that any scheduling algorithm's performance can be observed without duplication of fuzzing effort. Thus, we call FuzzSim a simulated scheduler for black-box fuzzing. The main purpose of FuzzSim is to determine the method of scheduling fuzzing on the input pairs that generates the most unique bugs in a fixed amount of time. ;

Additional Details

fuzzing, fuzzsim, box, black, 1148, fuzzsim: black-box fuzzing simulator, simulator, inferlink corporation, corporation, source, external data source, inferlink, external, pairs, scheduling, effort, key, system, feature, algorithm, observed, advance, duplication, performance, evaluates, comprehensive, methods, tool, program, bugs, programs, method, software, call, main, simple, configurations, time, generates, determine, seeds, amount, other, purpose, unique, fixed, scheduler, effective, input, mutational, simulated, albeit