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External Tool
External Data Source
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

cyber attack, network data, denial of service


A command-line network packet crafting and injection utility

The Nemesis Project is designed to be a command line based, portable human IP stack for UNIX-like and Windows systems. The suite is broken down by protocol, and should allow for useful scripting of injected packets from simple shell scripts.

Key Features

      ARP/RARP, DNS, ETHERNET, ICMP, IGMP, IP, OSPF, RIP, TCP and UDP protocol support
      Layer 2 or Layer 3 injection on UNIX-like systems
      Layer 2 injection (only) on Windows systems
      Packet payload from file
      IP and TCP options from file
      Tested on OpenBSD, Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X and Windows 2000

Each supported protocol uses its own protocol    injector    which is accompanied by a man page explaining its functionality.

Consult the ChangeLog for release details, and the documentation for each protocol injector for in-depth descriptions of the available functionality.


      Inject malformed ICMP redirec
      DHCP Discover (must use sudo and    to send with source IP
      IGMP v2 join for group
      IGMP v2 query, max resp. time 10 sec, with Router Alert IP option

      IGMP v3 query, with Router Alert IP option
      Random TCP packet
      DoS and DDoS testing

Additional Details

nemesis, 1204, source, inferlink, corporation, inferlink corporation, external, external data source, packet, injection, command, network, utility, crafting, protocol, igmp, tcp, layer, systems, windows, v2, injector, icmp, option, query, router, file, alert, unix, functionality, scripting, random, scripts, sudo, consult, linux, mac, designed, inject, time, depth, suite, supported, 186, ospf, resp, max, os, broken, dhcp, arp, key, solaris, human, v3, malformed, based, openbsd, join, details, 239, options, rip, rarp, injected, payload, packets, descriptions, redirec, simple, project, release, tested, discover, documentation, ddos, dos, other, udp, features, send, support, explaining, shell, examples, accompanied, ethernet, portable, changelog, 2000, dns, testing, stack