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M0DROID Dataset
External Dataset
External Data Source
AZSecure Data
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

malware, cyber attack, intrusion detection, cyber defense, wireless, network data, mobile software


This dataset contains signatures generated from many Android APKs, and can be used separately from the detection engine.

This dataset comes bundled with the M0DROID mobile malware analysis tool, which is designed to detect Android malware using signatures derived from system call requests of individual Android APKs.      The data was generated using real Android APKs as input, and signatures as output.    The dataset comprises these signatures. The tool to generate the signatures is designed by the authors, and is called the server analyzer.

Additional Details

dataset, m0droid, m0droid dataset, 1266, corporation, external data source, external, inferlink corporation, inferlink, source, signatures, android, apks, generated, engine, separately, detection, tool, designed, malware, call, comprises, analysis, real, input, system, mobile, other, called, detect, requests, output, analyzer, derived, generate, server, bundled, individual, authors