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Auto-labeled Corpus
External Dataset
External Data Source
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

cyber crime


This is a corpus of auto-labeled cyber security domain text which was used for automatically extracting security-related entities using machine learning. This was generated for use in the Stucco project. This includes all descriptions from CVE/NVD entries starting in 2010.

This corpus was generated and first used in the following paper, which provides many additional details.
Bridges, Robert A., et al. "Automatic Labeling for Entity Extraction in Cyber Security." accepted The Third ASE International Conference on Cyber Security 2014. Preprint arXiv preprint arXiv:1308.4941 (2013).
The src/python/tagging directory contains scripts to generate and tag the initial corpus, using various heuristics. The src/python/learning directory contains scripts to generate a model from the tagged corpus, and then evaluate this model. Training, as well as testing, are done for IOB-tagging, and then domain labeling, but the process is the same for both.

Additional Details

corpus, auto, labeled, auto-labeled corpus, 1270, external data source, corporation, inferlink corporation, external, source, inferlink, security, cyber, generated, learning, domain, machine, entities, includes, automatically, cve, entries, nvd, starting, 2010, stucco, descriptions, project, text, extracting, preprint, model, src, directory, scripts, labeling, python, tagging, generate, arxiv, ase, details, 4941, entity, process, iob, 2013, 2014, initial, automatic, heuristics, bridges, al, extraction, international, tag, 1308, evaluate, other, conference, additional, training, robert, accepted, tagged, paper, testing