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Toxic IP Addresses, Domains and Usernames
External Dataset
External Data Source
Stop Forum Spam
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

blacklists, cyber crime


The data provided here represents what will only ever be used to abuse. IP Addresses, domains and usernames listed here will be returned in API results as "blacklisted". It is very unlikely to see valid content from either the IP addresses or domains listed.

IP Addresses are provided in two formats, CIDR (IP network and subnet) and as IP Addresses ranges. Two domain lists are provided. The "exact" domain lists domains that have been blacklisted in the API, and should be compared as in an identical match. The "partial" domain lists provides partial domains where a domain is often seen with many sub-domains or registered in bulk, and used in such a way as to avoid hash/string matching (eg is listed to detect,, The data below is an appendum to to the table above, as it provides a filtered version of the "toxic_domains_whole" file. The filtered data removed domains that appear in the Top 1,000,000 Alexa domains list. Each file removed a domain from the toxic domain list if that domains appears in the top specified domains. eg toxic_domains_whole_filtered_10000 will remove a domain from the toxic list if that domains appears in the top 10,000 Alexa domains.

Additional Details

domains, usernames, toxic, 1279, toxic ip addresses, domains and usernames, inferlink corporation, inferlink, external data source, source, external, corporation, listed, api, blacklisted, content, represents, returned, valid, abuse, domain, spamdomain, top, list, filtered, 000, lists, partial, alexa, removed, file, appears, ranges, table, compared, appendum, cc, match, bulk, joe, identical, bb, hash, 10000, avoid, cidr, aa, string, detect, formats, exact, remove, network, matching, bob, other, sue, version, subnet, registered