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External Tool
External Data Source
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

cyber attack, simulated attacks, unsolicited emails, cyber crime, phishing


King Phisher is a tool for testing and promoting user awareness by simulating real world phishing attacks.

King Phisher features an easy to use, yet very flexible architecture allowing full control over both emails and server content. King Phisher can be used to run campaigns ranging from simple awareness training to more complicated scenarios in which user aware content is served for harvesting credentials.

Run multiple phishing campaigns simultaneously
Send email with embedded images for a more legitimate appearance
Optional Two-Factor authentication
Credential harvesting from landing pages
SMS alerts regarding campaign status
Web page cloning capabilities
Integrated Sender Policy Framework (SPF) checks
Geo location of phishing visitors
Send email with calendar invitations

Additional Details

phisher, king, 1319, king-phisher, inferlink corporation, inferlink, corporation, external, external data source, source, phishing, awareness, user, tool, real, simulating, promoting, testing, attacks, send, features, harvesting, email, campaigns, content, factor, cloning, embedded, sms, architecture, invitations, web, complicated, policy, location, landing, appearance, ranging, allowing, control, framework, multiple, capabilities, calendar, authentication, geo, flexible, checks, visitors, alerts, easy, optional, spf, simple, images, credential, sender, served, campaign, aware, emails, integrated, training, credentials, other, server, status, legitimate, simultaneously, scenarios