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This Resource is offered and provided outside of the IMPACT mediation framework. IMPACT and the IMPACT Coordination Council/Blackfire Technology, Inc. expressly disclaim all conditions, representations and warranties including but not limited to Resource availability, quality, accuracy, non-infringement, and non-interference. All Resource information and access is controlled by entities and under terms that are external to the IMPACT legal framework.
External Tool
External Data Source
57 (lowest rank is 57)
tcpdump is a tool for network monitoring and data acquisition.
Tcpdump uses libpcap, a system-independent interface for user-level packet capture. The program is loosely based on SMI's "etherfind" although none of the etherfind code remains. It was originally as part of an ongoing research project to investigate and improve tcp and internet gateway performance. The parts of the program originally taken from Sun's etherfind were later re-written. To insure that there would be no vestige of proprietary code in tcpdump, these pieces were written from the specification given by the manual entry, with no access to the source of tcpdump or etherfind.
Additional Details
tcpdump, 1321, source, external, external data source, inferlink, corporation, inferlink corporation, acquisition, network, monitoring, tool, etherfind, originally, program, written, code, smi, specification, independent, packet, access, entry, system, performance, vestige, other, improve, loosely, user, project, capture, pieces, sun, ongoing, proprietary, manual, interface, investigate, tcp, based, level, libpcap, insure, remains, gateway