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BoNeSi Botnet Simulator
External Tool
External Data Source
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

simulated attacks, denial of service, network data, cyber attack, botnet


BoNeSi, the DDoS Botnet Simulator, is a Tool to simulate Botnet Traffic in a testbed environment on the wire. It is designed to study the effect of DDoS attacks.

BoNeSi is a network traffic generator for different protocol types. The attributes of the created packets and connections can be controlled by several parameters like send rate or payload size or they are determined by chance. It spoofs the source ip addresses even when generating tcp traffic. Therefor it includes a simple tcp-stack to handle tcp connections in promiscuous mode. For correct work, one has to ensure that the response packets are routed to the host at which BoNeSi is running. Therefore BoNeSi cannot used in arbitrary network infrastructures. The most advanced kind of traffic that can be generated are http requests. BoNeSi generates ICMP, UDP and TCP (HTTP) flooding attacks from a defined botnet size (different IP addresses). BoNeSi is highly configurable and rates, data volume, source IP addresses, URLs and other parameters can be configured.

Additional Details

botnet, bonesi, simulator, bonesi botnet simulator, 1326, source, external, inferlink, corporation, external data source, inferlink corporation, ddos, traffic, attacks, environment, tool, wire, simulate, designed, study, testbed, tcp, size, http, parameters, network, connections, packets, configurable, chance, icmp, types, routed, highly, mode, rate, urls, rates, simple, infrastructures, correct, attributes, response, promiscuous, generates, advanced, controlled, arbitrary, running, spoofs, determined, host, defined, volume, configured, flooding, handle, includes, ensure, stack, therefor, requests, generating, protocol, generator, other, payload, udp, send, generated, created