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External Tool
External Data Source
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

cyber attack, malicious traffic, botnet


Hale is a botnet command & control monitor/spy with a modular design to easily develop new modules that monitor new protocols used by C&C servers

The main idea with Hale is to help botnet hunting and research to collaborate by creating a network of sensors (Hale monitors). To improve this idea, a XMPP bot is available to connect to a centralized XMPP server where currently two different group rooms are used for coordinating between sensors and a room for sharing logs and files. The coordination room makes use of botnet hashes that are made out of the unique keys in the botnet settings, in this way, two botnets don't have to be monitored simultaneously that have the same hash (identity) and improves utilization. To help 3rd parties to make use of this network, a bot can join the coordination room and ask a sensor to start tracking a botnet if its untracked by sending the configurations for it. Additionally, in the share room, 3rd party bots can get their hands on logs and files captured by the sensors in real time. To assist with log history the web API can be used that support GET requests.

Additional Details

hale, 1328, inferlink, inferlink corporation, external data source, external, source, corporation, monitor, botnet, modular, develop, design, modules, servers, spy, protocols, control, easily, command, sensors, xmpp, files, bot, idea, coordination, 3rd, logs, network, web, log, other, don, keys, requests, time, assist, coordinating, connect, share, sending, start, captured, identity, centralized, additionally, server, monitors, settings, botnets, hunting, api, join, untracked, monitored, tracking, collaborate, main, improves, configurations, bots, utilization, real, party, hash, support, sensor, simultaneously, parties, hashes, creating, unique, improve, sharing, history, hands