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External Tool
External Data Source
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

honeypots, cyber defense, intrusion detection


Acra is a database security suite for data-driven apps: database proxy with strong selective encryption, search through encrypted data, SQL injections prevention, intrusion detection, honeypots.

Acra provides selective encryption, multi-layered access control, database leakage prevention, and intrusion detection capabilities in a convenient, developer-friendly package. Acra was specifically designed for web and mobile apps with centralised data storage, including with distributed, microservice-rich applications. Supports client-side and proxy-side encryption. Works for SQL databases and (limited functionality) for NoSQL databases. Acra's cryptographic design ensures that no secret (password, key, etc.) leaked from the application or database will be sufficient for decryption of the protected data chunks that originate from it. Acra minimises the leakage scope, detects unauthorised behavior, and prevents the leakage, informing operators of the incident underway.

Additional Details

acra, 1333, external data source, external, inferlink corporation, inferlink, corporation, source, database, encryption, sql, prevention, intrusion, selective, apps, detection, proxy, search, strong, driven, injections, suite, security, honeypots, encrypted, leakage, databases, cryptographic, supports, key, client, designed, behavior, ensures, incident, developer, application, applications, sufficient, control, rich, detects, mobile, limited, capabilities, decryption, underway, scope, originate, unauthorised, nosql, distributed, informing, including, package, protected, password, multi, prevents, friendly, convenient, centralised, design, operators, web, layered, secret, functionality, storage, leaked, chunks, microservice, access, other, minimises