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External Tool
External Data Source
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

intrusion detection, cyber defense


Expose is an Intrusion Detection System for PHP loosely based on the PHPIDS project (and using its ruleset for detecting potential threats).

Expose allows for two kinds of processing - real-time as the request comes in and delayed (queued). This can be controlled by setting the the queueRequests parameter on the run method in the Manager. If it is set to true, Expose will take the request data and insert it into the data store. By default, queuing is disabled.

Real-time reporting will process the impact scores of the matching rules and report back the results. These results can be fetched with the getReports method (as shown above). You're then free to do with the results as you wish.

Queued processing can be handled by something like a cron job using the command-line tool. When enabled, the request data is pushed into the data store with a processed value of false. The CLI then grabs the latest entries from this queue and processes them against the rules. The results are either directly outputted in a JSON format or can be written to an external file.

Additional Details

expose, 1335, external, inferlink, corporation, external data source, source, inferlink corporation, php, detection, phpids, ruleset, system, intrusion, loosely, detecting, threats, potential, project, based, request, rules, method, processing, queued, store, time, real, pushed, outputted, reporting, process, processes, manager, report, fetched, handled, queue, command, getreports, controlled, false, processed, free, disabled, json, true, queuerequests, entries, tool, format, impact, cli, cron, written, setting, job, other, insert, parameter, file, default, matching, enabled, kinds, queuing, grabs, scores, delayed