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External Dataset
External Data Source
Xi'an Jiaotong University
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

application layer security, cyber defense, wireless, network data, mobile software


SandDroid is an automatic Android application analysis system

Features of SandDroid:

Static Analysis:
Basic Information Extraction: file size, file hash, package name, SDK version, etc
Certification Analysis: Parse the certification and check if it's from AOSP.
Category Analysis: Classify the APK to different categories based on the permission information
Permission Analysis: Extract permissions (include customized permissions) and detect if the declared permission is used
Component Analysis: List all the components (include dynamically registered broadcast receivers) and analyze if the component is exported
Code Feature Analysis: Check native code, java reflection, dynamic loader usage
Advertisement Module Analysis: Extract all the advertisement modules
Sensitive API Analysis: List all the sensitive APIs and the caller code path

Dynamic Analysis:
Network Data Record: capture all the network data during the APK's running period
Http Data Recovery: recover data from http flow
IP Distribution Analysis: parse IP information based on the extracted URLs
File Operation Monitor: record file path and data
SMS & Phone Call Monitor: record sms sent and phone call
SMS Block Monitor: record sms block behavior
Crypto Operation Monitor: record crypto usage
Data Leakage Monitor: data leakage

Comprehensive Analysis:
Risky Behaviors Summary: list risky behaviors
Risk Score: Calculate the risk score based on the static and dynamic analysis result

Additional Details

sanddroid, 1341, external data source, inferlink, corporation, source, external, inferlink corporation, analysis, application, android, system, automatic, monitor, file, sms, permission, list, code, based, dynamic, extract, sensitive, network, phone, http, leakage, crypto, certification, include, check, operation, path, risky, score, usage, permissions, advertisement, block, risk, apk, behaviors, component, parse, static, call, native, feature, urls, running, result, loader, comprehensive, categories, behavior, declared, category, exported, summary, caller, recover, receivers, distribution, extraction, capture, module, aosp, reflection, package, period, flow, calculate, api, java, features, extracted, dynamically, modules, size, recovery, detect, version, customized, other, components, classify, broadcast, hash, basic, sdk, analyze, apis, registered