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MIG: Mozilla InvestiGator
External Tool
External Data Source
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

cyber defense, forensics


Mozilla's real-time digital forensics and investigation platform.

MIG is a platform to perform investigative surgery on remote endpoints. It enables investigators to obtain information from large numbers of systems in parallel, thus accelerating investigation of incidents and day-to-day operations security. MIG is composed of agents installed on all systems of an infrastructure that are be queried in real-time to investigate the file-systems, network state, memory or configuration of endpoints.

MIG is built in Go and uses a REST API that receives signed JSON messages distributed to agents via RabbitMQ and stored in a Postgres database.
It is:
- Massively Distributed means Fast.
- Simple to deploy and Cross-Platform.
- Secured using OpenPGP.
- Respectful of privacy by never retrieving raw data from endpoints.

Additional Details

mozilla, mig, mig: mozilla investigator, 1344, investigator, corporation, external, inferlink corporation, inferlink, source, external data source, platform, time, real, investigation, forensics, digital, endpoints, systems, day, agents, distributed, respectful, enables, surgery, postgres, queried, json, incidents, parallel, openpgp, stored, rest, infrastructure, fast, built, perform, cross, rabbitmq, massively, composed, secured, receives, messages, raw, signed, investigative, api, investigators, deploy, remote, installed, other, memory, file, operations, database, security, retrieving, network, investigate, accelerating, privacy, configuration, simple