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The Drebin Dataset
External Dataset
External Data Source
Technische Universitt Braunschweig
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

malware, cyber attack, mobile software, network data


The Drebin dataset contains 5,560 applications from 179 different malware families. The samples have been collected in the period of August 2010 to October 2012 and were made available to us by the MobileSandbox project.

To foster research on Android malware and to enable a comparison of different detection approaches, we make the datasets from our project Drebin publicy available. The samples have been collected in the period of August 2010 to October 2012 and were made available to us by the MobileSandbox project.

Additional Details

drebin, dataset, 1372, the drebin dataset, corporation, external, inferlink, inferlink corporation, external data source, source, project, 2010, samples, malware, mobilesandbox, period, 2012, october, collected, august, 560, 179, applications, families, foster, approaches, comparison, detection, enable, datasets, publicy, android, other