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Three Days Of Conficker Dataset
External Dataset
UCSD - Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis
UCSD - Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis
36 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

Blackhole Address Space Data
blackhole address space data, computer worms


Three days of UCSD Network Telescope dat

This dataset contains data from the UCSD Network Telescope for three days between November 2008
                  and January 2009, exactly one month apart. The first day (2008-11-21) covers the onset of the
                  Conficker A infection. On the second day, 2008-12-21, only Conficker A was active; and during
                  the third and final day (2009-01-21) both Conficker A and B were active.
                  The dataset consists of 68 compressed pcap files each containing one
                  hour of traffic observed by the Network Telescope.

Additional Details

ucsd, center, analysis, applied, days, conficker, dataset, 382, three days of conficker dataset, 2008, ucsd - center for applied internet data analysis, network, telescope, dat, day, active, 2009, consists, files, november, final, compressed, january, month, 01, onset, hour, pcap, covers, observed, space, blackhole, blackhole address space data, infection, traffic