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External Tool
UCSD - Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis
UCSD - Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis
Data collection is ongoing
51 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

Internet Topology Data
internet topology


CAIDA's ranking of Autonomous Systems (AS) and organizations

This interactive tool presents the BETA version of AS Rank, CAIDA's ranking of Autonomous Systems (AS) (which approximately map to Internet Service Providers) and organizations (Orgs) (which are a collection of one or more ASes). The ranking is derived from topological data collected by CAIDA's Archipelago Measurement Infrastructure and Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routing data collected by the Route Views Project and RIPE NCC.

ASes and Orgs are ranked by their customer cone size, which is the number of their direct and indirect customers. Note: We do not have data to rank ASes (ISPs) by traffic, revenue, users, or any other non-topological metric.

The tool is available at the URL .
This dataset is the subject of ongoing measurement and data collection. As such the data is continuously growing. Researchers who are granted access will be able to download updates for a period of one year after their request.

Additional Details

Size is growing as more data is collected
ucsd, center, applied, analysis, caida, rank, 764, caida ucsd as rank, 2010, ucsd - center for applied internet data analysis, ranking, systems, autonomous, organizations, ases, orgs, collected, tool, topological, ripe, ranked, gateway, customers, map, providers, derived, metric, beta, infrastructure, views, org, service, project, url, customer, routing, ncc, users, version, protocol, topology, indirect, border, traffic, isps, route, size, cone, measurement, interactive, bgp, direct, note, internet topology data, http, archipelago, revenue