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CAIDA UCSD Geolocated Router Dataset
External Dataset
UCSD - Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis
UCSD - Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis
40 (lowest rank is 57)
A collection of router IP addresses geolocated to the city level.
A collection of router interface IP addresses geolocated to the city level.
11,857 IP addressed geolocated based on DNS names and 4,838 IP addresses
geolocated based on RTT proximity to RIPE Atlas probes. The DNS-based data
was created on May 15, 2016. The RTT-proximity data was created from
measurements collected on May 25, 2016. The total number of addresses in
the dataset is 16586 (109 addresses found to be common between the two
sources of data with very similar locations).
Additional Details
ucsd, applied, center, analysis, geolocated, router, dataset, 792, caida, caida ucsd geolocated router dataset, 2016, ucsd - center for applied internet data analysis, city, level, based, created, dns, rtt, proximity, names, collected, probes, 109, locations, atlas, sources, addressed, interface, 838, measurements, 857, ripe, 16586, common, geolocation data, total, geolocation