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CAIDA UCSD Network Telescope Traffic Samples
External Dataset
UCSD - Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis
UCSD - Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis
51 (lowest rank is 57)
Samples of Internet Background Radiation traffic
The dataset consists of IPv4 packets received by the UCSD Network Telescope
( ). This unidirectional, unsolicited
traffic can originate from a wide range of security-related events, such as backscatter
from spoofed denial-of-service attacks, an automated spread of Internet worms or viruses,
scanning in search of vulnerable targets, etc. The source addresses are not anonymized.
Possible uses of this data include: studying and modeling DoS attacks, understanding
victim populations, and using real packet traces to validate algorithms for detecting or
classifying malicious traffic. This last use is particularly valuable because it is extremely
challenging to artificially generate the kind of real-world noise constantly present (and
growing) on the Internet.
For more detailed description of the data please see:
Additional Details
ucsd, center, analysis, applied, traffic, samples, network, caida, telescope, 834, caida ucsd network telescope traffic samples, backscatter, service, denial, denial-of-service, 2001, ucsd - center for applied internet data analysis, radiation, background, attacks, http, dataset, org, real, malicious, range, targets, artificially, description, blackhole, dos, security, search, consists, detailed, automated, spread, passive, blackhole address space data, growing, wide, include, unsolicited, victim, noise, validate, ipv4, scanning, understanding, xml, extremely, vulnerable, space, packets, challenging, constantly, source, anonymized, modeling, projects, generate, events, viruses, algorithms, valuable, populations, packet, detecting, unidirectional, spoofed, originate, classifying, received, traces, studying, worms
backscatter, denial-of-service