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Kyoto 2006+ Dataset
External Dataset
External Data Source
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

threat intelligence, malicious traffic


Traffic Data from Kyoto University's Honeypots

With the rapid evolution and proliferation of botnets, largescale cyber attacks such as DDoS, spam emails are also becoming more and more dangerous and serious cyber threats. Because of this, network based security technologies such as Network based Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDSs), Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPSs), firewalls have received remarkable attention to defend our crucial computer systems, networks and sensitive information from attackers on the Internet. In particular, there has been much effort towards high-performance NIDSs based on data mining and machine learning techniques. However, there is a fatal problem in that the existing evaluation dataset, called KDD Cup 99' dataset, cannot reflect current network situations and the latest attack trends. This is because it was generated by simulation over a virtual network many years ago. To the best of our knowledge, there is no alternative evaluation dataset. In this paper, we present a new evaluation dataset, called Kyoto 2006+, built on the 3 years of real traffic data (Nov. 2006 ? Aug. 2009) which are obtained from diverse types of honeypots.    ;

Additional Details

2006, kyoto, dataset, kyoto 2006+ dataset, 918, corporation, external, inferlink, inferlink corporation, external data source, source, honeypots, traffic, network, based, systems, evaluation, intrusion, cyber, nidss, called, simulation, proliferation, types, detection, generated, situations, threats, attack, defend, diverse, nov, paper, built, alternative, attacks, spam, attention, machine, ipss, performance, rapid, reflect, existing, ddos, evolution, attackers, prevention, current, computer, largescale, cup, techniques, aug, knowledge, remarkable, technologies, real, mining, sensitive, kdd, virtual, other, crucial, security, 2009, emails, fatal, trends, networks, learning, effort, botnets, firewalls, dangerous, received