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Unified Host and Network Dataset
External Dataset
External Data Source
Los Alamos National Laboratory
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

local networks


The Unified Host and Network Dataset is a subset of network and computer (host) events collected from the Los Alamos National Laboratory enterprise network over the course of approximately 90 days

The host event logs originated from most enterprise computers running the Microsoft Windows operating system on Los Alamos National Laboratory's (LANL) enterprise network. The network event data originated from many of the internal enterprise routers within the LANL enterprise network. The data values have been deidentified (anonymized) to protect the security of LANL's operational IT environment. The identities match across both the host and network data allowing the two data elements to be used together for analysis and research. In some cases, including well-known network ports, system-level users names (not associated to people), and system-level hosts, the values were not deidentified. In addition, in some cases hosts were combined where they represented well-known redundant services including the Active Directory servers, LANL's email servers, and LANL's automated vulnerability scanning systems ;

Additional Details

network, host, dataset, unified, unified host and network dataset, 919, external data source, corporation, inferlink, external, source, inferlink corporation, enterprise, alamos, laboratory, los, national, collected, computer, days, subset, events, system, lanls, lanl, servers, values, event, level, deidentified, originated, including, hosts, computers, names, match, routers, combined, email, environment, operational, elements, services, windows, represented, people, automated, allowing, protect, internal, users, analysis, vulnerability, active, anonymized, addition, logs, gov, other, scanning, operating, cyberdata, systems, identities, security, running, redundant, directory, ports, microsoft