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Comprehensive, Multi-Source Cyber-Security Events
External Dataset
External Data Source
Los Alamos National Laboratory
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

local networks


This data set represents 58 consecutive days of de-identified event data collected from five sources within Los Alamos National Laboratory's corporate, internal computer network.

This data set represents 58 consecutive days of de-identified event data collected from five sources within Los Alamos National Laboratory's corporate, internal computer network.The data sources include Windows-based authentication events from both individual computers and centralized Active Directory domain controller servers; process start and stop events from individual Windows computers; Domain Name Service (DNS) lookups as collected on internal DNS servers; network flow data as collected on at several key router locations; and a set of well-defined red teaming events that present bad behavior within the 58 days. In total, the data set is approximately 12 gigabytes compressed across the five data elements and presents 1,648,275,307 events in total for 12,425 users, 17,684 computers, and 62,974 processes ;

Additional Details

source, events, 922, multi, comprehensive, cyber, security, comprehensive, multi-source cyber-security events, corporation, external data source, external, inferlink, inferlink corporation, 2015, collected, internal, sources, network, days, represents, los, event, laboratorys, consecutive, national, computer, identified, de, corporate, alamos, computers, domain, windows, servers, total, dns, individual, bad, process, processes, controller, compressed, start, gov, 307, locations, centralized, gigabytes, 425, elements, service, red, 275, include, active, 648, lanl, 684, other, directory, based, defined, flow, teaming, cyberdata, 974, router, behavior, key, authentication, lookups, users