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Android Botnet dataset
External Dataset
External Data Source
University of New Brunswick
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

malware, botnet, mobile software


This dataset is a comprehensive evaluation of Android botnets, it gathered a large collection of Android botnet samples representing 14 botnet families.

The accumulated dataset combines some botnet samples from the Android Genome Malware project, malware security blog, VirusTotal and samples provided by well-known anti-malware vendor. Overall, the dataset includes 1929 samples spawning a period of 2010 (the first appearance of Android botnet) to 2014.
The Android Botnet dataset consists of 14 families:
Family, Year of discovery, No. of samples

AnserverBot, 2011, 244
Bmaster, 2012, 6
DroidDream, 2011, 363
Geinimi, 2010, 264
MisoSMS, 2013, 100
NickySpy, 2011, 199
Not Compatible, 2014, 76
PJapps, 2011, 244
Pletor, 2014, 85
RootSmart, 2012, 28
Sandroid, 2014, 44
TigerBot, 2012, 96
Wroba, 2014, 100
Zitmo, 2010, 80

Additional Details

android, botnet, dataset, android botnet dataset, 932, 2014, external, corporation, inferlink, inferlink corporation, external data source, source, samples, families, botnets, representing, comprehensive, evaluation, gathered, 2011, 2010, 2012, malware, 244, accumulated, unb, family, consists, 1929, combines, bmaster, 2013, discovery, zitmo, appearance, wroba, genome, 264, anserverbot, misosms, includes, project, period, spawning, geinimi, compatible, droiddream, 199, pletor, 363, cic, nickyspy, virustotal, tigerbot, vendor, sandroid, security, anti, rootsmart, pjapps, other, blog