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Phishing Website Data Set
External Dataset
External Data Source
University of California, Irvine
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

cyber crime, phishing


In this dataset, light is shed on the important features that have proved to be sound and effective in predicting phishing websites.

Although many articles about predicting phishing websites have been disseminated, no reliable training dataset has been previously published publically, maybe because there is no agreement in literature on the definitive features that characterize phishing webpages, hence it is difficult to shape a dataset that covers all possible features.    This dataset collected mainly from: PhishTank archive, MillerSmiles archive, Googles searching operators.
Data Set Characteristics:    N/A
Number of Instances:2456
Area:Computer Security
Attribute Characteristics:Integer
Number of Attributes:30
Date Donated 2015-03-26
Associated Tasks: Classification
Missing Values? N/A

Additional Details

phishing, phishing website data set, website, 942, external data source, external, inferlink, corporation, inferlink corporation, source, dataset, features, predicting, websites, proved, light, sound, effective, archive, characteristics, missing, articles, operators, security, attribute, covers, 2015, 2456, characterize, publically, attributes, webpages, millersmiles, phishtank, computer, literature, agreement, tasks, uci, ics, reliable, googles, repository, integer, collected, shape, difficult, definitive, training, values, searching, instances, other, donated, disseminated, classification, published, 03