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DDS Dataset Collection
External Dataset
External Data Source
Data Driven Security
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

malicious traffic


Two AWS honeypot data sets. One is a CSV file from a collection of AWS honeypots. The other is CSV file from a collection of AWS honeypots with both long int and string IPv4 addresses and full geolocation information (via MaxMind GeoIP2)

From Data-Driven security blog. "I recently got some data from my friend Daniel Blander. He and I were talking about learning from honeypots some time ago, and he spun up several instances across the world and just let iptables capture packets. He let these run from March to September last year and shared the data so we can play around with it." ;

Additional Details

dds dataset collection, dataset, 947, dds, inferlink corporation, external data source, source, external, corporation, inferlink, aws, honeypots, csv, file, maxmind, int, honeypot, geoip2, sets, string, ipv4, geolocation, driven, time, spun, other, blander, shared, play, friend, instances, learning, september, packets, blog, capture, security, talking, iptables, march, daniel