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Anonymized enterprise packet header traces: LBNL-05
External Dataset
External Data Source
CERT NetSA Security Suite
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

local networks


The goal of this project is to characterize internal enterprise traffic recorded at a medium-sized site, and to determine ways in which modern enterprise traffic is similar to wide-area Internet traffic, and ways in which it is quite different.

Information of packet traces that span more than 100 hours of activity has been collected from a total of several thousand internal hosts. This wealth of data, which we are publicly releasing in anonymized form, spans a wide range of dimensions.

By releasing these traces we hope to provide a resource for others to use in studying patterns and dynamics within enterprises. Further, we hope that providing a corpus of "background traffic" for security researchers will allow for the sound evaluation of defense mechanisms in the context of the "crud" that appears on real networks.


Additional Details

enterprise, traces, anonymized, packet, 05, 949, anonymized enterprise packet header traces: lbnl-05, lbnl, header, external data source, corporation, inferlink, source, 2014, external, inferlink corporation, traffic, internal, wide, medium, site, modern, project, sized, goal, characterize, determine, hope, releasing, form, range, appears, hours, spans, wealth, networks, dimensions, total, defense, span, security, activity, context, netsa, dynamics, crud, evaluation, enterprises, cert, collected, corpus, mechanisms, studying, resource, other, providing, background, provide, publicly, real, patterns, hosts, researchers, sound