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The Cister/Rssi Dataset
External Dataset
External Data Source
Crawdad (Dartmouth)
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

sensors, wireless


Channel energy levels from Wi-Fi networks as seen from a 802.15.4 radio.

We use a sensor network composed of TelosB motes deployed in the library building to collect RF energy level samples (RSSI) on all 802.15.4 channels in the 2.4 GHz ISM Band. The building has several collocated Wi-Fi networks in normal operation. These networks produce interference for the 802.15.4 radios. Sensor nodes record RSSI values every 20 us, simultaneously on all channels, for 130 ms and then write the result to the respective files. This process is repeated every 8 seconds for around 4h. ;

Additional Details

rssi, the cister/rssi dataset, dataset, 956, cister, inferlink, corporation, external, external data source, inferlink corporation, source, 802, networks, energy, wi, fi, radio, levels, channel, sensor, building, channels, library, result, composed, network, 130, operation, radios, produce, normal, motes, process, isep, nodes, collocated, ism, respective, rf, samples, ipp, ms, level, write, band, repeated, 4h, telosb, ghz, deployed, values, other, collect, interference, cand, simultaneously, files, pt