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The CMU/Supermarket Dataset
External Dataset
External Data Source
Crawdad (Dartmouth)
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions



Round-trip Time-of-flight Measurements from a supermarket

The dataset is meant to aid development and evaluation of indoor location in complex indoor environments using round-trip time-of-flight (RToF) and magnetometer measurements. The dataset provides Round-trip time-of-flight (RToF) and magnetometer measurements at 1589 mobile node locations from 30 deployed stationary anchors in the 26m x 24m New Wing Yuan supermarket in Sunnyvale, CA. The data was collected during working hours over a period of 15 days. The nodes are equipped with chirp spread spectrum Nanotron nanoLoc radios (802.15.4a) and a Honeywell's HMC5843, a 3-axis digital magnetometer. At every location, 20 distinct readings were obtained for RToF signatures as well magnetometer measurements, to capture the variance, giving a total of 31780 readings. ;

Additional Details

supermarket, dataset, cmu, 958, the cmu/supermarket dataset, corporation, inferlink corporation, inferlink, external data source, external, source, measurements, flight, time, trip, magnetometer, rtof, indoor, readings, location, radios, meant, sunnyvale, anchors, digital, total, hours, apurohit, locations, days, variance, hmc5843, nodes, yuan, spread, 24m, mobile, distinct, deployed, environments, period, development, honeywell, complex, stationary, nanotron, evaluation, signatures, axis, collected, 26m, capture, 4a, equipped, other, chirp, aid, wing, 802, nanoloc, spectrum, 31780, 1589, node, ece