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The Copelabs/Usense Dataset
External Dataset
External Data Source
Crawdad (Dartmouth)
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

human behavior, sensors, wireless


Data concerning social interaction and propinquity based on wireless and bluetooth.

This dataset comprises experiments carried out with the open-source middleware NSense (fomerly named as USense), available at . The data has been collected based on four sensors: bluetooth; Wi-Fi; microphone; accelerometer. NSense then relies on four different pipelines to compute aspects such as relative distance (Wi-Fi); social strength (based on bluetooth contact duration); sound activity level; motion. We set up experiments making use of Samsung Galaxy S3 devices. For each experiment, there is the following set of data files: - SocialProximity.dat has three columns: Timestamp, DeviceName, Encounter Duration, Average Encounter Duration, Social Strength (Per hour) and Social Strength(Per minute) towards DeviceName - DistanceOutput.dat has three columns: Timestamp, DeviceName, and Distance towards DeviceName - Microphone.dat has two columns: Timestamp, and Soundlevel(QUIET, NORMAL, ALERT and NOISY) - PhysicalActivity.dat has two columns: Timestamp, and Activity as STATIONARY, WALKING and RUNNING There are two tracesets. A first traceset has been collected relying on a first NSense version in 2015. Then, a second traceset has been collected in 2016, with a refined version of NSense. In all tracesets, devices have been carried around by people that share the same affiliation during their individual daily routines (24 hour periods).


Additional Details

dataset, copelabs, usense, the copelabs/usense dataset, 963, source, corporation, inferlink, external data source, external, inferlink corporation, social, based, bluetooth, interaction, propinquity, wireless, nsense, devicename, dat, timestamp, columns, strength, duration, collected, encounter, wi, traceset, experiments, fi, hour, distance, activity, microphone, devices, carried, version, tracesets, middleware, noisy, soundlevel, fomerly, pipelines, relying, motion, normal, stationary, affiliation, people, minute, siti, named, routines, socialproximity, pt, sound, 2015, 2016, compute, sensors, firdose, experiment, ulusofona, galaxy, quiet, s3, github, individual, level, comprises, other, average, relative, saeik, refined, files, aspects, https, share, periods, accelerometer, walking, alert, daily, relies, samsung, contact, running, physicalactivity, distanceoutput