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The gatech/fingerprinting dataset
External Dataset
External Data Source
Crawdad (Dartmouth)
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

wireless, mobile software


Fingerprinting of wireless devices exploiting information leaked due to different device hardware compositions: Inter-Arrival-Time (IAT) of packets from wireless devices

In these datasets, we present the the inter-arrival time information collected actively and passively from different wireless devices using wire-side observations in a local network. The captures were collected from 30 wireless devices including iPads, iPhones, Kindles, Google-Phones, Netbooks, IP Printers, IP Cameras, etc., from various applications and protocols such as Skype, ICMP, SCP, Iperf. Due to heterogeneity in devices (e.g., deterministic hardware and software configurations), time-variant behavior of network traffic stemming from different devices can be used to create unique, reproducible device and device type signatures and to fingerprint devices and their types as explained in A. Selcuk Uluagac, Sakthi V. Radhakrishnan, Cherita Corbett, Antony Baca, and Raheem A. Beyah, A Passive Technique for Fingerprinting Wireless Devices with Wired-side Observations, Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), October 2013. Further details are available at ;

Additional Details

fingerprinting, gatech, dataset, the gatech/fingerprinting dataset, 977, external data source, inferlink, corporation, external, inferlink corporation, source, devices, wireless, time, device, inter, hardware, arrival, leaked, compositions, packets, iat, exploiting, selcuk, network, observations, collected, applications, type, behavior, ieee, actively, iphones, ipads, security, communications, skype, cameras, variant, local, explained, icmp, printers, types, raheem, configurations, ece, antony, 2013, baca, corbett, heterogeneity, passive, signatures, cns, netbooks, captures, datasets, stemming, radhakrishnan, html, users, iperf, google, beyah, proceedings, protocols, software, passively, uluagac, reproducible, including, kindles, scp, wire, unique, fingerprint, technique, phones, deterministic, create, conference, other, wired, cherita, devfingerprinting, sakthi, details, october, http, traffic