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The kth/rss dataset
External Dataset
External Data Source
Crawdad (Dartmouth)
57 (lowest rank is 57)
Radio Signal Strength data from a mobile robot along with odometer in indoor and outdoor environments
This dataset contains the RSS (Radio Signal Strength) data collected with a mobile robot in two environments: indoor (KTH) and outdoor (Dortmund). RSSI metric was used to collect the RSS data in terms of dBm. The mobile robot location was recorded using its odometry (dead reckoning).
Additional Details
rss, kth, dataset, the kth/rss dataset, 993, external data source, external, source, inferlink corporation, inferlink, corporation, mobile, robot, strength, environments, signal, indoor, radio, outdoor, odometer, dbm, metric, location, odometry, rssi, other, ramviyas, collected, dead, dortmund, se, terms, reckoning, collect