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CSDMC2010 Malware API Sequence Dataset
External Dataset
External Data Source
University of Arizona
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

cyber defense competitions, cyber defense, malware, cyber attack


This dataset is composed of a selection of Windows API/System-Call trace files, intended for testing on classifiers treating with sequences.

Malware calls are classified and labeled '1' and benign software calls are labeled '0'. The calls are presented in sequential order. CSDM_API_Train.csv contains 388 logs. CSDM_API_TestData.csv contains 378 unclassified logs. CSDM_API_TestLable.csv contains the classifications for CSDM_API_TestData.csv.    This data was collected by API monitors during a data mining competition at the International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICNIP) in Sydney, Austrailia 2010.

Additional Details

api, dataset, malware, sequence, csdmc2010 malware api sequence dataset, 1261, csdmc2010, source, external data source, inferlink, inferlink corporation, corporation, external, trace, system, selection, composed, files, sequences, windows, call, testing, intended, treating, classifiers, csv, csdm, calls, testdata, logs, labeled, benign, austrailia, 378, 388, icnip, software, 2010, competition, international, train, testlable, classified, mining, classifications, sydney, processing, monitors, unclassified, other, conference, neural, sequential, collected