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Internet Address History Datasets
University of Southern California-Information Sciences Institute
University of Southern California-Information Sciences Institute
Data collection is ongoing
57 (lowest rank is 57)

Category & Restrictions

Address Space Status Data
address space status data


IP history based on census data

These datasets contains all IPv4 addresses who ever responded to our ISI-west (w) censuses, starting from census it11w (internet_address_survey_it11w-20060307), e.g. it11w, it12w, ... Each IP address is given a history of replies (as a bit-string with 's representing ICMP_ECHO_REPLY received from this IP, and 's corresponding to no-replies. We also include numerical scores that are intended to reflect the likelihood that the given IP address will respond in the future.

The most recent history dataset is all-inclusive in a sense that it includes information recorded in all previous history datasets.
This dataset is the subject of ongoing measurement and data collection. As such the data is continuously growing. Researchers who are granted access will be able to download updates for a period of one year after their request.

Additional Details

Size is growing as more data is collected
california, southern, institute, sciences, history, datasets, internet address history datasets, 839, address-collection, no-ip-anonymization, topology, 2009, university of southern california-information sciences institute, census, based, it11w, replies, numerical, ipv4, intended, isi, dataset, respond, future, censuses, representing, previous, include, responded, scores, string, icmp, space, 20060307, reflect, it12w, west, reply, echo, inclusive, received, sense, includes, address space status data, likelihood, survey, starting, status, bit

Dataset Group

This is the summary for the group